

meat processing

Slaughter process

macellazione Italia


Arrival and unloading live animals

When the live animals arrive, the health documentation accompanying the cargo is checked, the animals are unloaded into the holding stalls


Check status of health, well-being

The health status, fatigue and stress of the animals is assessed as far as can be judged.


Ante-mortem health examination

Animals are subjected to veterinary inspection in order to verify their general state of health and compliance with animal welfare rules during transport.


Placement in cage and stun

When slaughtering begins, the animals are, without delay, conveyed to the stunning cage where they are stunned with a captive bolt gun.


Coupling with hoist and suspension

The stunned animal is tied as soon as possible with a chain and suspended from the guideway.


Preparation for the jugulation

The skin of the neck region is incised manually, with a knife, to allow bloodletting.


Jugulation and exsanguination

Jugulation is carried out through another knife until complete exsanguination

7. BIS

Blood collection

The blood is collected in an underground tank and then disposed of with Category 3 by-products.

7. TER

Removal a earphone brand

An eartag is removed for later destruction


Detachment of the head

The head is then detached manually, using a knife, the occipital plug is affixed to close the occipital hole. Bagging of the remaining ear is performed.

8. BIS

Log withdrawal encephalic

The veterinary service takes the brainstem for later sending to I.Z.S.V. for rapid testing for TSE for the categories of animals defined by the laws in force at the time of slaughter.


Head machining

The front hole caused by the captive projectile is closed with the captive projectile plug.
The tongue of cattle of any age, after inspection by the veterinarian, is taken by anterior transverse resection of the lingual process of the hyoid;
cheek meat ( masseters) is detached from the head;
The skull is then sent to authorized company for further processing.
Tonsils from all cattle are disposed of as a cat.1 by-product (MSR ).


Skinning rear

The skinning of the back of the animal is carried out, manually with a knife


Detachment and antler disposal and front legs and rear

The front and hind legs and horns are detached with a shear, removed and disposed of as Category 3 By-products.


Preparation for the skinning, ligation rectum

The rectum is manually closed with elastic using the special clamp.


Skinning manual

Manual skinning is carried out. The leather is sent by cart to the leather room.

13. BIS

Sending skins to the venue skins

Hides arrive at the hide room where they are destined for food use, except in cases stipulated by law where they must be disposed of as a cat.3 by-product

13. TER

Removal of the ear with earphone brand

An ear with the ear brand is detached and hung on the carcass inside a polyethylene bag


Esophageal ligation

The esophagus is ligated using special equipment.


Sternum cut

The sternum is cut off from the cattle using an electric saw.


Opening of the cavities and evisceration

The abdomen is opened, using a retracting machine, and the abdominal viscera are removed, which are transferred via a conveyor belt to the tripe room.


Sending to tripe shop

The animals’ stomachs, after the post-mortem health examination, via trolley pass to the tripe shop with the other viscera for subsequent washing operations.


Corata detachment

The lung, liver, trachea, heart and spleen are detached from the carcass and hung on a hook and identified with a total lot number corresponding to the date of slaughter. The kidneys remain attached to the carcass.


Positioning corata on the gancera

An ear with the ear brand is detached and hung on the carcass inside a polyethylene bag

19. BIS

Corate storage

The corata viscera (lung, liver, trachea, heart) are stored at refrigeration temperature in the offal cell at temperatures not exceeding +3°C until sale.


Division into halves

Carcasses are divided into half-carcasses by manual cleaver.


Tails in storage refrigerated

Once removed, the tails are stored in cold storage at temperatures not
above +7°C.


Health examination post-mortem

The carcasses as well as the head and viscera of each animal are subjected to veterinary examination. In case of a favorable outcome, the official veterinary service shall have the health stamp affixed. If the outcome of the visit is unfavorable, the half-carcasses are diverted to suspect cells awaiting destination.


Degreasing, deletion breasts and genital apparatus male

Excess fat and udders are removed and disposed of as a cat.3 by-product.
The male genital apparatus, according to the post-mortem examination is either intended for human consumption or disposed of as a Category 3 by-product.


Removal spinal cord

Once removed, the tails are stored in cold storage at temperatures not
above +7°C.


Weighing, branding, ranking and control contamination fecal

The half-carcasses are weighed, graded and labeled by licensed classifier and health stamps are affixed.
In addition, fecal contamination is checked before entering the cooling tunnel.


Cooling halves

The halves are transferred to the rapid cooling cells for initial cooling.


Storage halves

The half-carcasses subsequently pass into cold storage at a maximum temperature of +7°C (+7°C) while awaiting subsequent cutting or distribution. Meats are
arranged according to the order of arrival and so as not to be in contact with each other and to
Due distance from each other, the walls and the floor. The middens are all fitted with
Label with all data for traceability.

Illustrazione mucca

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Because of our professionalism and expertise, we are the reliable partner for all those seeking a high-quality meat supply chain.